Турки устремились в Сирию на помощь “братьям”

Rebel fighters from the Al-Ezz bin Abdul Salam Brigade pose for picture as they attend a training session at an undisclosed location near the al-Turkman mountains, in Syria's northern Latakia province, on April 24, 2013. AFP / MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP / MIGUEL MEDINA
Rebel fighters from the Al-Ezz bin Abdul Salam Brigade pose for picture as they attend a training session at an undisclosed location near the al-Turkman mountains, in Syria’s northern Latakia province, on April 24, 2013. AFP / MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP / MIGUEL MEDINA

Если кто-нибудь реально возьмется за организацию этого дела, в Сирию пойдут воевать минимум 10 тысяч добровольцев