Пятая колонна в Москве

Red Square: Proud Russian people demand their Crimea back

This is footage from pro-Anshluss demonstration at the Red Square, Moscow. It is good illustration of how Kremlin create patriotic wave among populous. It is sad and funny, too.

Beginning: Two older chaps discuss how bad Yanukovich is and which unpleasant things need to be done to him.

0:35 Reporter somehow got the map which described in which part of the Square workers of which branch of Mpscow’s municipality should be, and in which numbers. She is intrigued by the paragraph ‘Properties’ and wants to know who are them (one thousand strong)

01:07 The man states that his group represents communal services, that is suggesting that map is actually true one

01:36 Man wonders: What I am holding? It turns out to be: ‘In Putin we trust’. He is very amused: ‘ I have the cooliest poster possible’

01:53 Women reporter states that there is a very strong smell of alcohol, but she can not identify the source.

2:17 Benevolent Scarface tell us: Who say we are pro-war? Do you see pro-war posters around?
At this moment somebody at the background collapsed. We have to suppose that he is completely drunk. But we can not know it for sure. Maybe he is sick from all this happiness around him

2:43 Man said he is from builder’s tradeу union, office №3
Reporter: That what exactly map said! Did they ask you to come?
Second man after awkward pause: No we are coming by our own initiative

3:12 man (apparently very drunk, but maybe such is his general attitude): Why are you filming?
He is not happy with woman reporter’s ring in the nose
Noting that reporter feels uncomfortable, he offers some gayety of his own company
Reporter: who is going to those demonstrations?
Man (definitely): Rabble, scum (actual Russian term is far more strong)
Reporter: Why?
Man: Because. And dependable people
Reporter: And you are one of them?
Man: Of course

4:25 Man: Rabble and scum – everything that stood here (he intentionally used neuter for emphasize) And I am scumbag, too

He is suddenly became unhappy and goes away

The original title of the piece: Putin’s cannon folder